Eyeliner: A Film Screening

Still from Seescapes (2014) by Geetha J
Still from Seescapes (2014) by Geetha J

Programmed by Cecilia Stenbom and Holly Argent
3rd September 2018
Workplace Foundation, Gateshead

Eyeliner presents a selection of single screen short form works by artists and filmmakers associated with the North East of England. Ranging from documentary to gallery installation, a deliberately eclectic mix of works explores the dispelling of myths, uncovering ideas around sense of place and notions of miscommunication. Eyeliner refers to ‘eyeliner matching’ a continuity method of editing conventional film, that provides the viewer with what is assumed to be, the character’s gaze. The films selected for Eyeliner offer new viewpoints and re-tellings of certain mythologised narratives in our society, such as: women’s health, visual impairment and imprisonment.   

In the context of the Women Artists of the North East Library, these films remind us that narratives are constructed; they can be imagined, memorised, or deliberately misconstrued. Building new narrative(s) requires a re-alignment of our gaze and to re-evaluate existing stories.

Eyeliner features work by Ellie Land, Lyn Hagan, Cath Campbell, Geetha J, Leah E Millar, Sneha Solanki



Ellie Land

2012, 9:13’

Centrefold is an animated documentary film presenting the personal accounts of three women who have had a labiaplasty. Commissioned by the Wellcome Trust Centrefold has played an important part in the UK discussion about the ethics of plastic surgery.

Ellie Land is an Animation Director with a focus on questions around health and society. Her work has been showcased at international animation festivals and exhibitions. She is Senior Lecturer in Animation at Northumbria University. www.ellieland.com

for the yellow smoke

Cath Campbell

2014, 3:10’

for the yellow smoke is a silent film based on found YouTube clips translated by Google automated captions resulting in mistranslations. The work is part of Campbell’s on going series of works inspired by classic literary, cinematic and historical road trips across the America. 

Cath Campbell is an artist based in Gateshead, whose work encompasses drawing, sculpture, installation and large-scale architectural intervention. https://www.workplacegallery.co.uk

Telemancy series – signals 01

Sneha Solanki

2013, 3:17

Tuning through the television spectrum post-analogue, Richard Nixon (d.1994), 37th President of the United States appears to be caught in an endless apologist recital. Recorded in September 2013 on the cusp of the post-analogue era where the television signals become a conduit and a space for the disembodied and the dead.

Sneha Solanki is a Newcastle based artist, often working in process-based environments producing events and projects that utilise low-tech, open and collaborative methods to engender knowledge. http://electronicartist.net

Tony and Angela

Lyn Hagan

2013, 2:42’

This animation was developed through three years communication with Tony, a convicted Mexican Mafia hit man who is currently on Death Row in San Quentin State Prison, California. The drawings used in the animation are his depiction of Angela Parks, a female Sheriff’s deputy who fell in love with Tony whilst he awaited trial for murder.  She was sentenced to 19 years and 4 months in prison for her part in a conspiracy to murder a detective in his case.   They still write to each other to this day.

Lyn Hagan is an artist based in Newcastle. She has exhibited work at a number of UK and European galleries, international video art festivals and been commissioned by Channel 4, Tyne and Wear Museums and the Late Shows. Hagan has been the recipient of numerous scholarships for her research including the Jean François Lyotard Award and she was shortlisted by ArtAngel and nominated for Jarman Selected Award. She is currently funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.



Leah Millar

2018, 24:09’

Un.s.cene journeys along the marginalised land spaces bordering a river, exploring ideas of trace and connection to environment and social history through the post-industrial landscape. 16 mm film is used as a physical material imprinted and altered by experimental production processes, echoing the man-made changes to the river course it frames. Filmed on the river Tyne, Un.s.cene follows the flow of power and socio-economic change down the river course. 

Leah Millar is a Newcastle based artist, working in sculpture and moving image, with a particular interest in film and photochemical experimentation. She currently runs Hands On Film Lab out of The NewBridge Project.



Geetha J

2014, 9:55’

Seescapes uses documentary footage, animation and expressive music to convey what visual memory means to three boys. Seescapes takes you into the worlds of Sai who is slowly going blind, Anant who used to see faintly but is now totally blind and Darpan who has no memory of seeing. Seescapes listens to their intimate conversations as Sai speaks to his blind sister, Anant to his coach and Darpan to his parents.

Geetha J is a writer, director and producer from India. Born and brought up in Kerala, Geetha J  trained in classical music and dance. She is at Newcastle University as a Lecturer in Film Practice.
